Who we are

Maritime Academy is a public charter high school providing multiple pathways to college and career. The ocean is our classroom and we address all aspects of careers associated with the ocean; military, oceanography, marine biology, and recreational. We teach lifeguarding, sailing, and seamanship. In their first semester, our students have earned certifications in CPR, Boater Safety, and Lifeguarding in addition to their academic studies.

Location is key

Located on the waterfront of St. Andrews Bay in downtown Panama City, FL, Maritime Academy is the only high school in Bay County where students can access the water without leaving school grounds. Maritime Academy has a private beach area and dock that allows for boat usage. The Academy incorporates marine-based environmental projects and water activities into the regular daily schedule without the need for scheduled field trips that would normally occur off campus. Block scheduling of classes allows ample time to complete many of these aquatic and marine activities without the disruption to students' normal class schedule. Using the ocean as our classroom, we are able to prepare our students to be the leaders of the future and stewards of our environment.

Block Scheduling

Maritime Academy uses a block schedule with four, 90 minute periods per school day.  This allows for maximum credit completion of up to 8 credits per year instead of the typical 7 credits offered by most high schools.  Block scheduling provides greater flexibility in pupil progression, and time for daily student support from teachers and peers.  Block scheduling allows time for collaboration and completion of activities without disrupting the normal student schedule.

Period 1:     8:00 - 9:32
Period 2:     9:35 - 11:07
Lunch:         11:10 - 11:40
Period 3:     11:43 - 1:15
Period 4:     1:18 - 2:50

Philosophy and Curriculum

Our aim is to be a smaller school, holistic in its approach, bringing an exciting high-quality, marine-themed educational opportunity to our  students.

Maritime Academy provides multiple pathways to college and career.  Each student has the opportunity to participate in Leadership, Construction, and Aerospace courses in addition to traditional high school courses.

Students may obtain college credit for many courses via dual enrollment.

Please see Academic Programs for more information.

By combining experience, research, proven practice, and technology, Maritime Academy will provide equity for all students, ensuring every student’s successful transition from high school to college or career.

A Fibonacci spiral superimposed over the side view of a shell to show the relationship of the shell's structure to it's underlying mathematics.


The Maritime Academy serves Bay County students in grades 9-12 who are eligible to attend a public school in Bay County. In compliance with Florida Statute 1002.33(10), the Academy serves any eligible students who complete the application process within the established and posted timelines. If more applications are received than capacity allowed in a program, class, grade level, or building prior to the registration deadline, then all applicants will be entered into an equal chance random selection lottery operated by a third party.  Maritime Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, disability, or marital status. Maritime Academy complies with applicable federal standards in the U.S. Department of Education Charter School Program, Title V, Part B ESEA, Non- Regulatory Guidance, Section E.  Maritime Academy complies with Florida Statute 1002.31 School Choice legislation by allowing parents whose children are eligible, to enroll their child into our school, and to transport their child to our school. The Maritime Academy gives enrollment preference to:

● Students who are siblings of a student enrolled in the charter school
● Students who are the children of an employee of the charter school
● Students who are the children of an active duty member of any branch of the United States armed forces.

Students with disabilities and students served in English for Speakers of Other Languages programs have an equal opportunity of being selected for enrollment in the Academy.

For the 2023-2024 School Year
Grade  Capacity  Available Slots
    9            45                    1   
  10           45                    0
(Last updated 3/12/2024)


The Maritime Academy will ensure that every student and teacher has access to a Chromebook.  The Academy has two flight simulation stations for instructional use.  By providing students with essential technology tools, we ensure equity in opportunities to communicate, collaborate and develop technical skills necessary for the 21st century learner.


Families are responsible for transporting their students to and from the Maritime Academy and its activities.

Learn more about what we do

Your Privacy

AMIkids Maritime Academy is committed to maintaining the privacy and security of personally identifiable information (PII) belonging to students and will follow all applicable laws and regulations for the handling and storage of this data. The rights of students and their parents with respect to education records created, maintained, or used will be protected in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Statute 6A.1.0955